Monday, 25 February 2008

Bow finished.

Hello guy's

well as you can see I have finished the bow. I think it looks quite good just needs a rough sand to tidy it up. I was running low on glue so didn't made much more progress until yesterday. However due to daftness on my part I only got one veneer on because I dashed out of the house to go work on the boat and only realised I had left the new glue at home when I go to the workshop. I tried to wing it with the glue I had left but only got one veneer on.

Still the plan today is the try and fit the other veneer on this lunch time. I doesn't take that long to fit the veneer it's all the fannying about preparing the kit you need to do it so you don't wast time while the glue's curing.

Also I'm getting a bit concerned that I'm going to run out of veneer I estimated to hull surface area to just over 10 square meters times three layers equals 30 so I ordered 32 and got 33 sheets 1 square meter buckshee.

So that would mean 11 sheets per layer right. On the first layer I used 13 1/2 sheets so I order another 7 sheets and after laying up the second layer I had 13 1/2 sheets left for the last layer so it should be enough.

Now I getting close to the stern I have two sheets left which should give me 8 veneers minimum but it doesn't look like it's enough. Where did I go wrong?

Saturday, 16 February 2008

More veneers on the boat.

Hi Guy's

As I said last time I took a week off work as I had some time off due and got some work done. I started the week with 28 veneers on and now have 38. That's quite good going seeing as they're a pain to fit. There's such a tight bend on the one's going aft I had to use some weights from my barbell set to hold them while I'm spiling. I left them on because I was worried that the staples would loose their hold after I had left the workshop.

Hopefully I can get this layer cracked by the end of this month then I can do something different like sanding.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Back to work.

Hi folks

Well I lost two weeks of boat time due to work. I was putting some long days and nights and when I wasn't at work I was on call so I just put the boat on the back burner for a bit.
Anyway after all that mucking about I took three days off and put some more long days in this time on the boat. I had twenty veneers on last time and I managed to get another six on in the last three days. Don't sound like a lot but I am preparing, splining and planing the veneers by hand and they all fit well so it was good going for me. I was so set on getting as many veneers on that I forgot to take any photo's but I will take a few when I've made so more progress.